Friday, May 4, 2012

Write a Letter

Start writing! Write to your state’s Congressional leaders and legislators and ask for their support of the MODDERN CURES ACT

“More than 133 million Americans – over 40% of the U.S. population – live with a long-term disease or disability. But for some people there are no treatments and there are no cures. Most treatments that do exist work only for 50 to 75 percent of the patients who currently use them. Only 1% of marketed drugs have a companion diagnostic test to determine which patients would benefit from a specific treatment.”

Request additional funding for the National ALS Registry as well! The registry is pertinent to understanding all aspects of ALS and what connects patients with ALS (PALS) across the country. This collection of patient data could be instrumental in solving the mystery of ALS and securing a cure.

Another important objective in the road to a cure is the ALS Research Program (ALSRP) at the Department of Defense. However, that funding is being threatened and the government is proposing to reduce that budget by millions of dollars.

Please write to save ALSRP!

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